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Who We Are

Strategies to Advance and Network Deaf Africans for Ubuntu (aka STANDU, Inc or STAND for Ubuntu, Inc.) is a 501 (c) (3) organization established exclusively to provide programs, services, support, access and information in the areas of rights, empowerment and capacity building to Deaf persons, organizations and communities as well as their allies and partners throughout Africa.

Ubuntu in our name derives from the Nguni term roughly translating to human kindness but meaning our belief in the universal bond of sharing which connects all humanity. It captures our aim to promote that universal bond and connect Deaf Africans to their various societies as equal participants and contributors.


We accept tax-deductible restricted and unrestricted monetary donations as well as goods. 

We partner with local and national development agencies, for-profit and non-profit organizations, national and foreign governments in the core areas of education, capacity-building and advocacy

Our mission is to avail Deaf individuals and communities in Africa with the support and resources necessary to be effective and contributing members of their local and national communities.

© STANDU, Inc., 2018 

​​Contact us:


+1 (240) 292-6720


 Registered Office: 8455 Greenbelt Road #102, Greenbelt, Maryland (MD) 20770

 Postal: PO Box 142, Greenbelt, MD 20768

 Country: United States of America (USA)

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