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      The purpose of STANDU, Inc. includes, but is not limited to:
            (a) Enhance foundational quality of Deaf education in Africa by infusing Deaf                   cultural perspectives and early intervention into pedagogy. 
            (b) Promote educational advancement and economic empowerment through                    direct action and collaboration with local, national, regional and                                    international institutions and organizations. 
            (c) Advocate for Deaf people’s access to health and legal services.


      Our activities are, broadly speaking, in the areas we have captured in the                    acronym EPAEducation, Partnership and Advocacy.

       Educational activities include, but are not limited to:
              • Research into best practices in Deaf education in Africa 
              • Promoting access to education for Deaf pupils and students at                                     primary, secondary and tertiary levels
              • Promoting new and effective ideas of pedagogy for Deaf pupils and                             students

      Partnerships are pursued with:
              • Local development agencies and both for-profit and non-profit                                     organizations which are committed to advancing the interests of                                   Deaf populations
              • International development agencies and both for-profit and non-profit                         organizations which are committed to advancing the interests of Deaf                         populations
              • National and foreign governments which retain our service and                                     expertise in developing Deaf populations in the core areas of                                       education, capacity building and advocacy.

      Advocacy is the core basis of our work. We advocate for Deaf people to have              access to quality education, barrier-free access to information, etc. This entails            partnerships with agencies, organizations, governments and interest groups                within and outside the continent.

© STANDU, Inc., 2018 

​​Contact us:


+1 (240) 292-6720


 Registered Office: 8455 Greenbelt Road #102, Greenbelt, Maryland (MD) 20770

 Postal: PO Box 142, Greenbelt, MD 20768

 Country: United States of America (USA)

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